Fantastic Flying Books

Thanks to Teri Lesene @ProfessorNana for sharing this little gem on her twitter feed.  I was positively enchanted by this short film that captures an inner spirit, something unsaid, that every book lover holds inside of them.  Not only is it a beautifully done story, but it illustrates how the world of media and the world of books can intertwine to tell each others’ stories.  We are not replacing our old ways, merely growing them.

I’m contemplating showing this to my class.  We’ve been exploring the connections between words, music, and images and how creators (authors, illustrators, directors) combine them to create a complex story.  They have delved deeply into how these elements set a mood and tone for a piece as well as how they cue us as to what to look or read for.  I think the use of color, music, animation and non-traditional plot line in this short will intrigue and challenge student to think deeply!

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore from Moonbot Studios on Vimeo.



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