About the Authors

Katie is a fifth grade teacher in the Chicago Public School system.  She is Nationally Board Certified and holds a Master’s Degree in Teacher Leadership.  She has been featured on Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels’ Comprehension and Collaboration DVD, the fourth edition of Best Practice by Harvey Daniels, Steve Zemelman, and Arthur Hyde & presents across the country on the implementation of successful literacy practices, inquiry learning, and technology integration.  She has also presented on Literature Circle Inquiries at the International Reading Association Convention, Stephanie Harvey’s Reading is Thinking Institute, and the National Council of Teachers of English Convention.  In addition to her many teaching duties Katie also works outside the classroom as an educational consultant for Stephanie Harvey Consulting.  She is an avid reader of children’ literature and a self proclaimed technology geek.  Katie blogs about a wide variety of topics because she believes that a classroom teacher in the 21st century needs to cultivate a variety of talents and interests.

Kristin has been teaching for 11 years in both urban and suburban schools.  She has studied inquiry and collaboration with Smokey Daniels and Stephanie Harvey and her teaching practice is featured on their Heinemann DVD, Inquiry Circles in Elementary Classrooms.  Kristin consults with school districts and presents at conferences around the country on comprehension, inquiry, technology, 21st Century Skills, social emotional development and classroom management.  She partners with local universities to instruct undergraduate and graduate level early childhood educators and also serves as a mentor for student teachers.  Kristin is a National Board Certified Teacher, an Earthwatch Educator Fellow, a Golden Apple Award and Kohl McCormick Early Childhood award winner.

She has an undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s Degree in Instructional Leadership.  Kristin is a consultant for Stephanie Harvey Consulting and the Managing Director of Ziemke Consulting, LLC.  She currently teaches first grade.

9 Responses to About the Authors

  1. Tara says:

    Hi Katie…could you email me at the above address?? I’d love to talk to you about a book idea!

  2. Juli says:

    I’m not sure how I tumbled into this blog, but I’m sure it was on a “Reading Workshop” search. I teach 8th/7th lit. and am finally embarking on the Workshop process in lit. (I’ve used writing workshop for a few years now) My students and I are loving every day! (one week in…yes, it’s April) I plan to start the year off in Workshop and never look back. Your site has been soooo helpful thus far. I’m wondering if you have any great “start-of-the-year” tricks/lessons/ideas that you would recommend? Does this blog follow the “beginnings?” I’ll keep following as long as you keep blogging! :) Juli

    • Katie says:

      Hi Juli, thanks for reading! I would have responded sooner but I was in Greece for Spring Break. I am planning on cover those topics over the summer as I go through planning and organizing for next year. Stay tuned!

  3. the other ruth says:

    Hi Katie,
    Is there any way I can contact you via email? I am on a conference planning committee for a national conference, and we are looking for people to submit proposals. I’ve been reading your blog for a little while and think that some of your work may be a good fit.

  4. Teach. Engage. Inspire says:

    Hi Katie,

    I just recently found your blog, and love it! I also have just recently been trying my hand in the world of teacher blogging: http://www.teachengageinspire.wordpress.com

    I look forward to reading more of your blog!


  5. Tara says:

    Hey Katie…you’re a Versatile Blogger…check it out!!

  6. Jann says:

    I was just reading your literacy and the iPad page and saw how you can email comments out of iBooks! Very neat! I have been playing around with it, as this is something I really plan to use with my students this year, but I can’t seem to find out how to include the text with the comments. I have highlighted the text as you suggested, and it shows on the comment page, but it is not included when emailed. Can you explain to me how you can ‘overcome’ this and receive the highlighted text with the comments? Thanks so very much.

    • Katie says:

      Hi Jan. That’s a problem that I ran into to. One thing you can do is have students take screen shots and send you those, but it gets a little laborious if there are a lot of them. I’m wondering if there’s something in the settings. I’ll have to play around with it.

What are your thoughts? Please share!